An electric bike is versatile for everyday city rides, extreme off-road rides, and long-distance travel

electric bike
Image source unsplash

Requirements for a touring e-bike

An electric bike for travel should have the following:

  1. A sturdy frame of your size;
  2. High-quality components and a generally reliable design;
  3. Comfortable fit and saddle;
  4. A fork with adequate shock absorption – to smooth out shaking;
  5. Wheels with durable rims and puncture-resistant tires;
  6. A sufficiently powerful motor – to easily overcome steep and long climbs;
  7. A battery with a solid reserve capacity;
  8. A luggage rack – to ease the load on the shoulders.

Advantages of traveling on an electric bike

With the growing popularity of electric bicycles, people’s opportunities to engage in bike tourism are also increasing. This type of active recreation has become available not only to athletes and people with excellent physical fitness but also to almost everyone. The presence of an electric motor allows the cyclist to limit muscle load to a comfortable level or even ride on electric traction without pedaling.

With sufficient power and torque, an electric bike can easily climb any hill and slide. The cyclist can enjoy the ride and the surrounding views without putting much effort into pedaling.

The advantages of traveling on electric bicycles are:

  1. Significant reduction in stress on the body;
  2. Maximum benefit and joy from each ride;
  3. Minimum fatigue;
  4. The ability to travel a considerable distance, regardless of physical fitness and effort;
  5. Free choice of route – it can include forest paths and pedestrian bridges;
  6. Enjoyment of the beauty of nature, the aromas of herbs and flowers;
  7. The ability to combine muscle traction and motor operation;
  8. Accessible insurmountability of even challenging routes;

An opportunity for people of any fitness level to go on exciting bike tours, improve their quality of life, expand their horizons, and discover new places.

Preparing for a bike tour

For the tour to go well, it needs to be carefully planned. It would be good if there were places along the route with access to the power grid. Then, you can make short stops at a convenient frequency to charge the battery and restore strength.

As part of preparation for a bike tour of the Sintra National Park, it is recommended to:

  1. Rent an electric bike from
  2. Make a rating of the places you want to see and visit during the upcoming trip.
  3. Consider the route, taking into account the places you plan to visit, convenient areas for rest stops, and access points to the power grid.
  4. Take with you a sufficient amount of drinking water and a snack. How much depends on where your route goes, when you can replenish your food supplies next, and where you plan to stop.
  5. If you do not rule out spending the night in the open air, take a light tent, a mat, and a sleeping bag.
  6. Choose comfortable clothes, shoes, and equipment. In case of bad weather, take a windbreaker and a raincoat, and for sunny weather, sunglasses and sunscreen.

You can go on a bike trip alone or in a group. The choice depends on your preferences and capabilities. From a safety point of view, it is better to travel in a group with like-minded friends who, in the event of an unforeseen situation, can provide support and all possible assistance. In addition, joint bike trips help people get to know each other better, unite, and gain good experience working in a team.