Back Muscle for Short NYT Crosswords Clue: Find Out The Possible Answers

Back Muscle for Short NYT
Image source pixabay

Do you have some free time on your hands? Why not start training your brain muscles by solving the New York Times crossword puzzles? The challenges of finding proper words for the precise clues are sure to keep you occupied for a while. This is the best way to improve your critical thinking and enhance your vocabulary while playing a simple but entertaining game. Short but critical clues like “Back Muscle for Short NYT” will sure to give you a hard time finding the correct word to solve the puzzle. But once you find the right one, you will feel a sense of accomplishment. So, let your brain do the workout to find the proper words for “Back Muscle for Short NYT”.

Getting an Understanding of “Back Muscle for Short NYT”

The New York Times mini crossword puzzles are currently the most exciting game for training your brain. Even if you do not have much time on your hands you can try out these puzzles as they are usually shorter than the traditional puzzles. The clues are creative and precise making your brain work hard to find the best possible answers. Even though it looks simple, when you start playing you can feel the challenge of identifying the correct words from the critical clues. One such difficult clue is “Back Muscle for Short NYT” which has created extreme difficulty for the puzzle solvers. So what is the right word for this particular clue? Let’s find out.

Before we start checking out the words available, let’s get to know the clue better. If we try to explore the meaning of the clue “Back Muscle for Short NYT”, we can understand that it requires a term that denotes our back muscles. However, the trick here is the addition of the word “short” in the clue. It means that we need to find an abbreviation whatever the word is, there should be an acceptable abbreviation. So, we need to find the scientific or the medical terms for “back muscle”. Pretty interesting, right? Whenever you find a clue in a crossword puzzle game, try to think out of the box applying basic logic. This will steadily take you closer to the right answer.

Whenever you find a tricky clue like “Back Muscle for Short NYT” make sure you apply your logic and critical thinking to find the answer. There are also other critical clues with different difficulty levels that you may encounter in your feature. But by breaking the clue step by step you can definitely find the correct answer no matter how difficult it is.

Possible Answers and Their Meanings

Now that we have already understood the meaning of the clue, let’s start finding out the possible answers. There are different types of back muscles in our body and they are categorized into three groups- superficial muscles, deep muscles and extrinsic muscles. Superficial muscle again has several parts. Let’s check out their names to find out which one fits the most.

Latissimus orsi (LAT): This is the largest and strongest back muscle. The abbreviation of Latissimus dorsi is LAT. So, if want a three-letter word for the clue “Back Muscle for Short NYT” this can be the correct answer. However, it will also depend on the word arrangement you have already created on the puzzle grid.

Rhomboids (RHO): Rhomboids are originally two sets of muscles of the upper back that help to stabilize the shoulder. These two muscles also provide the structural support to arms and body. The abbreviation of Rhomboids is RHO which is also a three-letter word. This also goes with the clue “Back Muscle for Short NYT”. You can try it out and see if it fits in the puzzle grid.

Trapezius (TRAPS): This is a large and broad muscle in the upper back. This muscle helps with creating different postures by moving the neck, arms, shoulder and torso. It has a significant role in the movement of the body. The Trapezius muscle is also known as the Traps muscle. If you have a four-letter gap in your puzzle grid you can try out this word for the clue “Back Muscle for Short NYT”.

Levator Scapulae (LS): These are the large muscles located in the upper back and shoulder blades. They help in the movement of the shoulder blade. The short form of Levator Scapulae is LS. So, if you have the clue “Back Muscle for Short NYT”, and have a 2-letter gap in the puzzle grid, you can try this word and see if it matches with the whole puzzle.

Some Important Tips for Solving Crosswords

Solving crossword puzzles can be confusing and difficult sometimes. Even though it is a simple traditional game, you have to make full use of your brain to complete a puzzle. Here are some tips to help you solve them better.

  1. Start with the easiest clues first: Check out all the clues first and start with the one you are most confident in. This will help to reveal some words for other clues.
  2. Try completing the shorter words: If you are a beginner, try to get done with the shorter words first. It will help to reveal several words for the longer words and make it easy to complete the puzzle.
  3. Think out of the box: Clues are not always simple. There are some difficult clues like “Back Muscle for Short NYT” which will give you a hard time. There will also be clues that will have double meanings or wordplays. So, you have to think out of the box to solve them correctly.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the answer to the clue “Back Muscle for Short NYT”?

The answer mainly depends on how many letters you have to fill. If it is a 3-letter word the answer can be LAT or RHO. If it is a 5-letter word it should be TRAPS and if there is a gap of 2 letters the answer can be LS.

What are the Major back muscles?

The major back muscles are LAT, RHO, Traps and LS.