Urge Forcefully NYT- Crosswords Clue

Urge Forcefully NYT
Image source unsplash

Crossword puzzles are fun and interesting. A daily habit of solving crossword puzzles sharpens your brain and enhances your stock of words. It also enhances your critical thinking capabilities. The challenge comes when you get stuck in a word and can not solve it for days and on. This situation is such a pain in the neck. You can not remember the proper word which makes your mind go haywire. And when at last you find the apt word and complete the puzzle it feels so rewarding like you have achieved some great things in life. NYT mini crosswords help you bring this type of pure enjoyment into your life in the form of short puzzles. You will get to learn new words and their meaning while having lots of fun. There are some clues in this crossword puzzle that give you a hard time finding the right word. One of them being “urge forcefully” nyt clue. This article will help you develop a new vocabulary for this particular clue word. Let’s check them out.

The Fun of NYT Mini Crosswords

At current times due to increasing work pressure and time restraints, people are losing interest in traditional games like crosswords. Even the younger generation of this age has a very short attention span thanks to internet surfing. Considering this issue, the New York Times (NYT) introduced the miniature version of the lengthy traditional crossword puzzle game and named it Mini Crosswords. These mini-puzzles have a 5X5 grid which is way smaller than the traditional version. This small grid makes the game less complicated and less time-consuming. The clues are also straightforward, concise and clear making them easier to understand. If you are a beginner to this game, this mini version would be the perfect fit for you. You’re going to love it once you give it a try.

Apt Words For “Urge Forcefully NYT” and their Meanings

Now let’s come to the main issue here, finding the current words for the clues. Even though the clues are short and precise they are quite tricky. People often find it difficult to identify the correct words from those short clues. An example of such a tricky clue is “Urge Forcefully”. Now there are several words that match this short description. Learning all of these words might take you closer to the understanding of this phrase.


If you have gaps for a 5-letter word for the clue “urge forcefully”, “impel” should be the correct word. The meaning of the word “impel” is to make a person feel that he/she must do something by creating pressure. The meaning of this word matches with the clue “urge forcefully”. This word expresses a sense of urgency and force. So, if you are looking for a 5-letter word for the aforementioned clue, impel would be the correct answer for your puzzle.


This world has a similar meaning to impel. If you are compelled to do something it means someone is forcing or pressuring you to do it. Or, it can also mean that you are in a critical situation where you have to do something no matter what. “Compel” is also a synonym of the word “impel”. So, if you have the clue “urge forcefully NYT” and you have a 6-letter gap, “compel” should be the right word.


The word “push” has several meanings, one of them being forcing a person to do something. It can have both positive and negative meaning. Pushing too hard means you are trying your absolute best to do or achieve something. On the other hand, if you are pushing someone too hard it can mean you are forcing them to do as you say. If there is a four-letter gap in your puzzle grid and the clue is “urge forcefully” you can try the word “push”.


Oblige is another word that can mean “urge forcefully”. It is also a six-letter word like compel and has a similar meaning. However, there is a little difference between “compel” and “oblige”. Oblige often refers to a situation where you feel it is necessary to do the thing someone has asked in order to please them. Sometimes this word is also used in terms of legal obligation. The meaning of the word “compel” in this case is a bit different. It expresses the overwhelming pressure that makes you do something. So, you can use both these words when the clue is “urge forcefully”.


This is another word that has a similar meaning to impel and compel. However, the meaning of the word “force” is a little different from the words “impel” and “compel”. Force generally means to use physical pressure in order to make a person do something. On the other hand, impel is the irresistible urge in this context.

Why You Should Play NYT Mini-Crosswords

Playing a traditional game like crosswords has several benefits. And if you do not have much time on your hands to play such lengthy games you can always try the mini-crosswords game introduced by New York Times. It is an engaging workout for your brain and helps you to improve your critical thinking and cognitive abilities. Crossword playing also sharpens your vocabulary by making you find new words with their proper meanings. It also works as a stress buster after a long day of work. Solving a mini crossword puzzle will make you feel a sense of accomplishment. So, if you are wasting your time scrolling through the internet or being bored out of your mind, try this game out. After all, what’s better than being productive in a fun way? 

Frequently Asked Questions

What does the phrase “urge forcefully” mean?

Urge forcefully is the phrase for pressurising someone to make them do something against their will.

Is Impel the right word for “urge forcefully”?

Yes, impel refers to the situation of doing something under excessive pressure. So, it has the same meaning.

Do the words “compel” and “impel” both mean urge forcefully?

Yes. Both these words are synonymous.